The EAC has always believed in building community-led
programs that are financially sustainable. This is definitely easier said than done. For the past 4 years, EAC staff,
administrators, and board members have been creating and revising a strategic
plan that pushes our programs continually towards financial
sustainability. This plan has
shifted and changed as we have tried something and succeed, or more
importantly, tried one way and failed.
But we have been continually moving forward.
One of the programs we are most proud of it our health
work. The team of 30 Community
Health Workers, in partnership with the government of Kenya, work on a
volunteer basis and have been instrumental in collecting community health data,
and spreading health messages door to door. The EAC offers them technical support, and a space to
meet. Our three paid health staff
are a part of this group, and assist the group when others have to be at
work. Having three paid staff in
this group is instrumental in the group’s success. These three staff also teach health education in 4 local
schools to Class 4 and 5, reach with over 20 community groups on a monthly
basis with economic empowerment strategies and health education, and teach
health education classes to polytechnic students, out of school youth, and
secondary school students.
For the past few years, the EAC has been raising money to
cover the salaries of these three staff members, as well as the water bill and
the security for the site. We
started to develop a way that we could invest in small, low-effort businesses,
that our health staff could run, that would bring in some income to cover some
of these operating expenses. When
Peace Corps volunteer Jill Daniels arrived in September, I tasked the her and
the health department with developing some business ideas that we could easily
implement in the space we have available and at a low cost.