Next, a group of students performed a local Giriama dance and one of our adult education students recited a powerful play about the challenges and importance of educating girls in Eastern Kenya. A local karate group demonstrated their skills for the audience. Before the student achievement awards were announced, the volunteers and interns performed a dance they choreographed for the students to a popular song in Kenya, "Anita". The volunteers and interns had been working with the students for months through the school and health center and were happy to make them laugh on their last day of school!
Class test results were announced and the top 3 scoring students and the most improved student from each class were called to the front to be recognized and given a prize.
To end the day's events, Vutakaka's new Girl Guide (Brownie) club performed an induction and flag raising ceremony that was lead by two representatives from the Mombasa Girl Guide
As the close of school day ended, parents thanked teachers for their influence in their child's life and the EAC for bringing this school to their village. We here at Vutakaka thank you for making it possible and continuing to support these students as they work to expand their opportunities through education and by getting involved in school organizations. See you September! View more photos in our Close of School Day photo album.